Sunday, January 22, 2012

Leah turned 8!

It was a much anticipated day, but it finally arrived and Leah celebrated her 8th birthday!

As required, there was a birthday cake. I worked much of the night before on a cake top, only to ruin it and throw it out. So the next day I scrambled for plan B. Plan B ended up with me buying a new cake pan. It resulted in this horse cake. Leah is a little horse crazy, as you may know.

I used my favorite crafting tool and made a birthday shirt for Leah (and Rebekah and Sarah). Leah is really into "piggie tails" lately.

The highlight of a birthday is the presents. Don't we all know it? Leah got her share. One present came indirectly from Leah's great-grandpa Russell. She received a small metal horse that he had played with as a boy. We're convinced it's a bank, but we've yet to get it open. It has a broken leg, but still stands. We figure the toy is around 90 years old. :)

And while there were other presents...

the other horse was another favorite.

After presents is CAKE! Eight candles? That's going to take a lot of breath to blow them out.

Happy Birthday, Leah! We love you!


  1. That cake . . . seriously WOW!!

  2. Such a pretty girl! And a very nice cake :)

  3. Wow, so many candles! It's good that Leah had the foresight to wear "piggie tails."
