Monday, January 16, 2012

Potty Talk

It was an unpleasant situation around here at the end of the year. To make a long and yucky story short, the septic seepage pit had stopped working and a new drain field needed to be dug. We tried to put it off, but we like to flush our toilets and wash our clothes.

Here is what the north side of the property looked like before any work began. That dark spot on the lawn is the access to our septic tank.

Here is the tool of destruction.

Half of an hour later, they were in the ground and inspecting our tank. Thankfully, the tank was fine (though another company's rep said it was crooked and would need to be replaced). If you want more details and want to know why you should NOT call Advanced Plumbing, let me know. I'll be happy to tell you!

It was quite entertaining!

After a couple of weeks and an insane amount of money, it looked like this. There are 3 60' rows of drain pipes. Here's to being able to take a bath!
Because the ground was frozen (of course this would happen right before Christmas), they couldn't properly fill in the trenches. Our yard has an ugly, bumpy scar in it now. Come Spring, that's going to be a MESS! Maybe we'll have an earth-stamping party. Anyone want to be put on the invite list?

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