Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sarah and Joseph

Guess who is two months old today?! That two months has really gone by quickly. It does pass more slowly at night. I was trying to change a diaper last night and couldn't keep my eyes open! I've fallen asleep doing a lot of things, but never changing a diaper. It was only 12:45 am or close.

But I survived, as all mothers (somehow) do. And isn't she worth it? I just took these pictures of her. I was calling her name and she was looking around for me, but I think I was still too far away to focus on. (If I get too close with the camera, the flash takes over.) She gave me a couple of half smiles and I tried to capture them.

She's survived two months. Kudos to her parents for not failing in their efforts.

These next pictures are of Joseph...well, his feet anyway. This shot is from this morning. I couldn't resist getting the camera when I noticed a size 4 sandal paired with a size 5 church shoe. Each shoe was on the wrong foot. I told him to stop so I could get a picture of his feet and he stopped to hold one up to the camera for me. I finally got him to show me both at the same time.

And this picture is nearly 12 hours later. He'd fallen asleep (finally) and I noticed his feet. At least this time he got the left church shoe on the left foot. I suppose this means he has two left feet. Apparently he has no lungs because I don't know how he's breathing under there!

Silly Joseph. He turns two in two and half weeks. He's already practicing his terrible two tantrums. He's really quite good!

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