Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Increased Security

You may have noticed I changed the title of my blog. I'm trying to make us a little more anonymous online. Along with some other Settings changes that I've already made, I'm also changing the address of the blog.

Because I'm not trying to get rid of any current readers, I'll send you the new address, if you let me know you want it. Please send your request via email or give me your email in the comments - I'll delete it as soon as I get it. If for some reason you don't want me to know that you've been reading my blog (some people really enjoy their ability to be invisible), feel free to get the address from someone else - if you can. And I don't care if you share the address with others, I'm just trying to be less available to the predators of the world.

This may be a wasted effort, since I don't use nicknames for anyone in the family and post I their adorable faces all over the place, but I'm trying to avoid using last names and city names. I am the only one with my name in the entire country...can you believe it? Such individuality. (That sounds weird. Is it really a word? Must be...spell check didn't flag it.)

So, sorry for the inconvenience. I'm just trying to keep my family a little safer, despite all the info I share in nearly every post! :)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Count me in. Good idea on the changes.

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  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Good job, Arlyn. Warnings I had seen on television about privacy threats arising from too much personal information on Blogs made me wonder if you were seeing the same news items. I had thought of calling you to mention the problem, but I didn't want to come across as being a bossy dad.
