Monday, October 26, 2009

Going Public

I've decided to make myself more accountable for my weight loss efforts by going public. Maybe you all can encourage or chastise me...whichever is more effective (without reducing me to tears).

I weighed in at a new low (since Sarah was born) this morning, so I was motivated to start this. I will post my weight weekly over on the right side. Right there at the top. So everyone can see it and shake their heads in disappointment when appropriate. Just knowing some of you are doing that will give me the power to pass up more goodies than I have been able to lately.

And this is very timely for me since Halloween, then Thanksgiving and Christmas are looming ever so near! Yikes! It didn't help that I made what seems like a thousand sugar cookies for decorating at FHE tonight. They definitely pass the sugar cookie test. I inspected them...thoroughly.

1 comment:

  1. way to go! I should try that. I dont know if it would actually get me to loose my baby weight or not.
