Monday, October 26, 2009

Kids! I shake my head in confusion.

I know! It's been over a week. I'm sure 2 of you have been going through withdrawals. The rest of the readership didn't even notice.

I have things to catch up on, but right now I just have 2 short stories about my perplexing kids.

Last night at the table, Daniel convinced himself that his dinner smelled like throw up. This is usually Leah's complaint about things. Anyway, he didn't want to eat his dinner because it had eggplant in it (I don't know what's wrong with's only about the 3rd time in a week that we've had eggplant in some form.) So Daniel disappears into the bathroom for a little while. When he comes back he has tissue stuffed up his nose. I guess he figured that would solve the problem. Of course, I sent him back to the bathroom to remove it and told him if he couldn't get it all out, he'd have to go to the doctor. REALLY...I've heard of young kids shoving things up their noses, but not 9-year-olds! He never did finish his dinner and didn't get any apple pie afterward.

Second story:
Leah, Rebekah and Joseph had a bath Saturday and left their dirty clothes in the middle of the bathroom floor. They were still there last night. (It's a big bathroom, so it's easy to ignore a big pile of clothes - which we do.) This morning I was going to rescue Leah's pants from the pile because I didn't figure they were very dirty. I went into the bathroom and couldn't find the pile. I thought Chad must have gathered them up and put them in the washer, so I gave up my rescue effort. Later this morning, as I was getting clothes for Joseph, I started pulling out clothes that didn't belong...his sisters' dirty underwear was the most obvious. Apparently, Joseph stuffed them all into his drawer (his room is across the hall from the bathroom) during his 90 minutes of refusing to stay in bed and go to sleep. It was a little mind exercise trying to remember what all 3 of them were wearing Saturday to be sure I got it all out of the drawer again. Maybe I need to point out the washing machine to Joseph.

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