Tuesday, June 09, 2009

A shrug and a grunt and say "eh"

Joseph is now over 18 months old. The kid has yet to say his first word! I'm having flashbacks of Nathan's pantomimes. He didn't talk until he was 3. I really would rather not have to do that again. It's not much fun for the Mommy.

So since Joseph isn't talking, it's hard to remember that he's listening. There is no "snack time" without Joseph knowing right from the beginning and chasing down the person who's gone to get the goods. He knows when it's time to get shoes on and often beats the older kids in time it takes to find shoes. And as soon as he hears a song end or the prayer begin, he's got his arms folded.

When Joseph is done eating, he puts his cup into his bowl/plate and lifts it up to you. If you ask him if he's done, he puts both hand up in the air to show you that he is. And if he sees some food he really likes, his little tongue hangs out and he says, "haa, haa, haa."

Getting dressed or undressed is a game for Joseph. You must have quick reflexes and long arms to catch him before he runs away. Be very vigilant between steps or he may still find a way to run away while only partially dressed. This is very fun for him and he laughs all the way out the door. (A game we're currently playing while I type.)

Joseph has mastered the shake of the head to signify, No. We're working on nodding, to be more positive. Those must be trickier muscles to control. (I know it's easier for me to shake than nod...but maybe that just comes with parenthood.)

And, Joseph knows exactly what the camera is for. Here are some pictures I was taking for a gift for Chad's b-day. Notice the one person who is looking at the camera every time!

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