Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Shoes Optional

For the past two years, we've had a zoo membership. It's been a great $$ saver for us when we've traveled and given us something "free" to do here at home. The membership always expires at the end of May. We were late getting a new one this year but I finally decided to "bite the bullet" and pay the $75 today.

I told the kids we'd go on a picnic if they could get the downstairs cleaned. Things got really loud about then. Can they do anything without fighting? Sleeping you say? Nathan and Leah have both yelled at Daniel in their sleep. So that's a "no."

Anyway, we were FINALLY ready to go. I told everyone to go to the bathroom and get in the van. After we've been driving 10 minutes and I'm on the freeway, Leah says from the back seat, "Mommy, Nathan doesn't have any shoes on!"


Now, I've accidentally gotten in the car with my slippers on, but never just socks. And I never actually drove away. But, I've never been a 7-year-old boy. I got off the freeway at the next exit and drove back a little ways to a store and bought him some croc-a-likes for $6. Better than wasting up to 30 minutes going back home.

The shoes are a bit too big as I didn't have much of a selection in boyish colors. Daniel was jealous. I told Nathan they weren't his. (Because I'm not rewarding him for forgetting to get dressed!) They can go in the laundry room for use when someone has to go outside for something.

We eventually made it to the zoo and had a late lunch...of which Joseph wouldn't eat once I wouldn't give him more cookie. Kids.

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