Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Current State of Random Affairs

So I walk into the living room this morning to find Daniel playing the piano with his big, fat rear end. No wonder that chord was so bad!

Joseph is walking around the house this morning saying, "rrraaahhhh!" Apparently, he doesn't want to learn English, just Tiger.

My doctor isn't the push-over I was hoping for. It looks like the earliest I'm going to be able to have this baby is the 28th or 29th of August (Fri. or Sat.). Unless I can figure out how to make labor start on my own terms. Never have figured that out so far. Any suggestions?

This little birdy has taken up a watchful post here on the fence. Do you think he's spying on us? He was there a long time yesterday, too.

My kids are fighting. Constantly. I don't know if I can be responsible for my actions if it goes on much longer. The two biggest offenders are Daniel and Leah. The two "first borns." They may be the two "first deads."

I have to sew on binding on a blanket for Rebekah's new twin bed she'll get when we shift the toddler bed and crib down to the next kids. I also have to make a blessing gown for the baby.

My house is in a serious state of disorganization. I am suffering a mental breakdown because of it (and because of all the fighting). I need to go through the clothes of at least 4 kids, shuffle through the music CD's the kids have wrecked (and then lock the cupboard), try to get the games to stay in the cupboard when we open it, and figure out HOW IN THE HECK I'm going to pack away most of my sewing room and turn it into a room for the girls.

My house is dirty, too.

The past 3 weeks I have enjoyed watching the kids work around dinner time. One sets the table, one clears, one sweeps. They aren't doing a perfect job, but they are doing something! We had to get a smaller broom and put a tiny handle on it to save the windows and glass doors to the china cupboard. I even made a wheel chart to help us keep track. I'm not sure I like them crawling all over the table to wipe it down. I guess I have to be blind to some things.

Daniel has read over 2600 pages. He needs harder books. Nathan is over 2000, too, but I don't know by how much.

I have never washed any of the windows in this house since we moved in...20 months ago. (A little confession thrown in there for you.)

I am starting to waddle and my belly button is gaining strength. The baby is starting to move in ways that are unpleasant to the mother. Leah is grateful for the baby in about every prayer she offers. Joseph will probably see the baby as an enemy that needs removal. He is a little too attached...and it was quite a literal experience this Sunday as I dropped him off in Nursery. (I'll say it again - those Nursery leaders are saints!)

Some scrapbook pages from the last week.


  1. Hey Arlyn,
    Have the baby on the 27th, that's Jessica's birthday. Also, if you want to send any number of children my way I'm sure they'd have a great time here in NH. Just hand them a compass and send them packing! I'll send them back just in time to start school! I'm sure you'd enjoy the rest time!

  2. Just ask the dr to keep you in the hospital an extra week for mental health issues! Good Luck! I am having my own daily fighting.....
