Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Did I scare you? I thought that maybe since I haven't been around very much that you wouldn't expect me to sneak up on you like that. And it is the season for scaring!

Anyway, I have much to share but less time to do it in. (NCIS starts in 40 minutes and I have a goal to sit and enjoy it. It's a show I really like but hardly ever catch. And the most frustrating thing is that whenever I do get a chance to watch, it's a rerun of an episode that I've already seen! How does that happen? I've only caught 3 the whole year and those are the ones they rerun. Does that happen to you? But that's not supposed to happen tonight because it says it's a new one.) I'll see how much I can fit in and then I'll have something to keep you coming back for next time! *wink, wink*

A month or so ago, Chad's company changed office locations. They had some places to put some signs up and so I got a little creative on the computer. (Do you remember my computer OCD post a couple of weeks back?) I designed a little sign for their business and Chad got it printed up. The sign people had to sharpen up some of the image (and I didn't create the "CZ"), but otherwise, that's my handiwork!

Here are the 3 signs:

Out by the street. It's double sided.

On the building.

On the door to their suite.

Are you impressed? Yes, I am so skilled. Orders anyone? (Chad was my consultant on the project. I must give appropriate credit.)

Last week and this week have been and are Spud Harvest. It is an age old tradition in these parts to let school out for the potato harvest. It began when the kids were actually helpful and worked in the fields. Now, it's mostly kids in the farmers' families that help, kids that are still taught to work hard for their $$ and teachers who do work hard, but don't earn any money and so must also help gather and sort potatoes. Otherwise, it's a long break from school that comes just as we feel like we've worked out the kinks in the routine. We have 3 more days before the school year will really begin in earnest!

It hasn't been a bad thing (too much) because all of last week we were gone on a little vacation. We spent the week (M-F) in McCall, ID with my mom and step dad. I have a zillion pictures to share in another post. We spent this past Monday recovering from the traveling the week before and the Conference weekend that left the house looking torn apart. We also went to a fun straw maze for FHE. I have pictures of that, too. Today, we got out and made our weekly trip to the library. Tomorrow, I hope to finish cutting back my overgrown rose bushes in preparation for winter, see what I can clear out of the garden, tie-dye some Halloween T-shirts with the kids and dig out the Halloween decorations. We'll see how much of that actually gets done (or even started!).

Joseph is still my little Kirby Jr. But now there is a new twist. He seems to have fallen into the habit of smacking his lips and sucking on his tongue (or is it his cheek?). Maybe he's been eating so much off the floor that now he goes through the motions subconsciously. Whatever the reason, I now have to check his mouth twice as much, just to make sure it's empty. With his 6 teeth and vise-like jaw, it's a dangerous procedure.

A little something I overheard Rebekah saying in the tub this morning as she was talking into the sprayer/telephone: "Uh, I remember you. I just don't remember where you live." ??? Oh the things they come up with!


  1. Hey, I didn't know you liked NCIS! It's one of my favorite shows. I've actually been getting the first seasons from Netflix so that I can watch it from the beginning and get the shows I missed. I love that Netflix has TV series.

  2. You are too funny. I am glad that you are back on the blog. I have missed you!

  3. Nice sign. You be so talented.
