Friday, September 26, 2008


I got my driver's license renewed today. It expires in 4 days. Nothing like a little procrastination! I had an option to renew for 4 or 8 years. What the heck? Let's renew for 8 and I won't think that I've NEVER lived in one address for more than 4 years. It's bound to happen sometime.

So my license now expires in September of 2016. That got me thinking. Daniel will be 16 years old when that happens. SIXTEEN? He'd better start behaving himself a little better if he's going to make it to that age! He'll be driving by then. He'll have his own driver's license! And then if I renew my license for another 8 years, he'll be home from his mission and Nathan will be on his when it expires. Oh my, I think this may be a bit too much for me to think about.

And then I realize that they are growing up so fast. When I got that license 4+ years ago, I was shocked to think that Daniel would be baptized by the time it expired. Where did those 4 years go? I swear it hasn't been more than 18 months.

I need to be a better mom. I need to learn to be more patient, accepting, understanding, forgiving, respectful, humble and above all, loving. Before I know it, they will not want to be so close to me that I trip every time I turn around. They won't want to "help" make lunch or fold the laundry. They won't be dieing to tell me about a funny show they watched and now have to act out for me. They won't be hanging to my every word as I read them stories. They won't be putting 20 barrettes in my hair and telling me how great I look. (I'm hoping that they won't constantly be fighting or complaining, but I've heard it only changes...becomes less innocent.)

So my resolve was fresh and honest. We took the kids to the park. The weather has been PERFECT lately. We were doing so well...then Nathan threw Daniel's shoe high into the air and accidentally pegged Joseph with hit. The only apology he could manage was, "srrr..." (or something similar) before he completely closed up and started to pout. Leah was screaming, stomping and yelling like those spoiled kids you see and wonder why exactly the parents think they have a right to be parents and Rebekah was hogging the can of cream soda. I dumped the soda into the flower bed, had to carry a very stubborn Nathan to the van and told the kids they weren't allowed to go anywhere in the van until we leave for church Sunday.

I guess I'll start being a better mom tomorrow.


  1. I cant even think that far ahead. David would be 16 and Kaitlyn 14! AHHHHHH!

  2. Oh the joys of motherhood. :)

  3. I think that is being a good mom. Don't let them act like hoodlums now so that they don't (hopefully) act like hoodlums when they have those driver's licenses! Good job moming!

  4. By the way, your header is adorable. Is it hard to change it so it can say Kunz's on it? I would love to borrow it for my page...if it is a pain....don't worry about it. :)

  5. Nevermind about the header. I changed the background on mine a little to make it more festive. That should just about do it. I am so crafty these days.

  6. Hahahehe

    You sound like me!

    But don't be TOO hard on yourself, my dear. Rememeber President Uctdorf's talk at Womens Conference? Take it to heart.
    {Of course, it's very easy to remind YOU to follow his counsel. I will need you to remind me at some point as well. haha}

    In Arizona your DL doesn't expire for 40 years! Yep you read right- 40 years!!!
    Now try and figure grandkids in that picture your drawing up earlier. YIKES!!!
