Friday, October 31, 2008

Saying Good-bye

Our friends lost their oldest daughter, Kiersten, 15 days ago. She died in her sleep. I think it's assumed that she had a seizure.

We had just been together the Friday before to go to dinner while their daughter stayed with our kids. We talked of her epilepsy and how she was expected to eventually out grow it. It was a very normal conversation. We returned to the house to find her chasing/being chased up and down the stairs with the kids. She plopped down on the couch and visited with us, out of breath and smiling so big. Everyone was hyped up!

My heart broke for her family. She was 13 years old and had 4 younger siblings; the family is close. Kiersten was a good young lady. She left this life with no regrets and nothing amiss.

It has given me renewed vision of the Plan of Salvation and eternal families. I have been appreciating my children more...even their annoying little songs they are constantly making up. We never know when it will be time to say "good-bye."

Rebekah and Leah don't completely understand what has happened. Rebekah knows that they are sad though, and she prays for them almost every time it's her turn for prayer.

We will miss Kiersten.

If you want to learn more of Kiersten's life, you can follow this link.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Arlyn. This is so sad about her dying! You never know how or when people are going to die. I am sorry to leave this on your blog, but I have been too overwhelmed to call. On Friday, we found out that brenda has leukemia. She'll be in the hospital for two months with intense chemo, and then they'll see. 60% chance they give her. We are all in shock. I can totally relate to this post of not knowing when it is our turn to go. I have been hugging everyone much tighter these days. We have been spending everyday at the hospital, (can't have cell phones), so I'll give you a call when things calm down. Pray for us....
