Saturday, October 25, 2008

Boys or Girls?

We were shopping at Wal-Mart this evening...all 7 of us. We passed a woman who wondered how we did it. (I told her we don't - that's why we're yelling so much!) She remarked that she'd just had her 3rd baby and wasn't sure how she was going to handle it. Then she asked which was easier...boys or girls?

As soon as the question was out of her mouth, Rebekah knocked a glass jar of applesauce to the floor and made a big mess. (Who forgot to tell her that the shelves aren't for climbing?) I answered, "Well, I guess that would be boys." Luckily, she laughed. And then the nice Wal-Mart people cleaned up after us.


  1. That sounds a bit what it is like when we go out! Oh, and I guess I am about to join the mom's with 5 kids club. We are expecting again :)

  2. You should only let Rebekah climb the shelves with plastic jars.
