Friday, September 12, 2008

Treading Water

That's what I feel like I'm doing in my life right now. There are so many things that need to be done amongst the things that are demanding I get done, despite the things I want to do and instead of the things that I should have done. Make any sense? Exactly my point.

I feel like I am being pulled in 50 different directions when all I really want to do it hide in my room and read a book or take a nap. Even the computer sees less of me. (I admit, that's probably a good thing.)

My house is a never ending chore that refuses to cooperate. One thing can be blocking the hallway for a day or a week. It doesn't move until I move it, or someone kicks it to a new spot or I explode in a fireball of emotions and everyone quickly/quietly restores order.

I grounded the toy room and it's entire contents for two weeks (we still have one week to go). Who is suffering the most? ME. Now Leah doesn't know what to do and doesn't like any of my suggestions. The kids find other places to amuse themselves. I wouldn't mind at all if they had even a sliver of responsibility. Everyone just drops things where they are standing at the moment. Sometimes it's within minutes of me just picking it up!!!!

Daniel is struggling with his math and therefore causing much contention all evening about it. He needs me to sit down with him and focus. Too bad there are 49 other things I'm supposed to be doing.

Nathan is shrinking before our very eyes because he refuses to eat or even TASTE anything new. And when he laughs while we yell at him (for jumping on the furniture during scriptures, etc.), I just want to scream.

Leah has become quite bossy to Rebekah and whines or screams most things at the rest of us. For just one day, I wish she would keep her promise of, "I'm never talking to you AGAIN!"

Rebekah isn't too bad. I'm just overloaded and can't even stand it when she comes up to me and leans on my leg. (How bad off am I if the touch from my own child raises my blood pressure?)

Joseph has a deep attachment to me that involves crying when I walk out of the room...while Daddy is holding him. He HATES getting his diaper changed and pretty much cries the second I sit down anywhere with him. I have to stuff him into his car seat every time we go somewhere. How do little babies wiggle so much? He has been suffering with two little teeth for over a week now. They started coming in with the two middle ones, but never got past the first corner poking through. We're all feeling the pain.

I dreamt last night that I was being put in as Sunday School Pres. I am SO GLAD that is never going to happen! But I still feel the odd stress of having to pick counselors. Why do my dreams do that to me? Does anyone else get intense and unsettling dreams?

Thanks for letting me vent. Now I have to go get Joseph. He's been wanting out of that crib for the past 20 minutes.


  1. You poor Woman! You need a night out. Or a night in without anyone home! So when was the last time your hubby took all the kids to dinner and the park???? Its a good suggestion. I wish I could help but I dont have any patience either. Pregnancy can do that to a woman......????

  2. It sounds like it's time for a girls weekend to VEGAS!!!!

  3. If I vocalized my dreams to anyone, they would lock me up in an insane asylum, or put me in a treatment care facility to analyze me and how I still continue to function with such vivid/stressful/awful dreams. I can not remember the last time that I had a warm fuzzy dream. It sure would be nice.

  4. Let it all out, honey!

    I feel like my life is your life.

    Is it really true that I'm not alone in this world afterall when it comes to having everything around me be in chaos?

    I just want to curl up on my bed and read or even better...sleep most of the time. But I can't. wwwhhhaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!

    (((BIG HUGS))) from a mommy who totally gets it.

  5. This too shall pass.. sort of. You are in a tough, but blessed stage of life right now. Everything won't get done no matter how hard you try, so try to embrace it instead! I can only say this because I survived where you are and it isn't a whole lot easier on the other side, but easier enough to read your post and drift back to the memory of a harder time. Love you. You are doing great! Love, Kelly

  6. Hey GF!! I found your BLOG! Sorry it was at a bad time in your life!! My only thoughts on your post is what advise I have given to my kids and myself all of my life. Here it is..... (and you have probably heard it many times) THIS TOO SHALL PASS!!

    Hang in there!
