Saturday, September 20, 2008

It rained on our parade

Today was Spud Day. Idaho would cease to be Idaho if we didn't celebrate potatoes! I think this was the 80th annual Spud Day (or something like that). There is always a parade, complete with 10 (at least) fire trucks of various ages and models, but all with loud sirens. There are even floats and anyone cool (or not in a marching band) throws candy.

It has been a rather dry summer here in Eastern Idaho. Until today. Two days left of summer and it dumped on us. It was a cold rain. It was a thorough rain. I was thoroughly wet. But at least I wasn't riding on an open float, singing songs and trying to look excited. That was Daniel and Leah's lot. I just sat trying to get some pictures and video while keeping the cameras dry. We had one umbrella. Since I had the jacket, Chad got the baby (and accompanying blanket) and the umbrella. Eventually, I got Rebekah to sit on my lap and help shield me from the rain. (She was wrapped in a big blanket with Nathan. I'm not completely heartless!)

We made it through the end of the parade, but skipped the free potatoes, expensive rides, commercial booths and food vendors with $4 hot dogs. I'm assuming the mashed potato tug-of-war still happened. At least the losers would have been able to shower immediately after getting out of the gooey potatoes!

Here are some soggy pictures. Gotta love the expressions! See if you can find Daniel and Leah on the TaVaci trailer. (Pretend we're playing hide and seek or Where's Waldo.)

We came home and had hot chocolate with our lunch. And since it didn't rain continuously, Chad and I went out to set more fence posts. This is a never ending job! At least it was cooler weather to work in and it even came with mandatory rest periods. When the rain would come down too hard, we'd take a rest. Period. We (he) got 8 posts set today.

I counted the holes left outside. It looks like we have 18 fence posts to go. Then Chad has to brace certain posts and then stretch the wire. After that he gets to hang 4 gates. He wanted to be done before the next weekend is over. I think he'll be lucky to be done before the snow starts stickin'. And I can't help but wonder where the $$ for the wire and gates is coming from. Maybe we'll rent out the kids.


  1. What are the going rates for child labor? I may look into that with you. I'm sure Addison would be good for something. Maybe watering house plants with her drool.

  2. Mike just asked me what I was reading. He said that you should hire him. I actually saw Kaitlyns hair bow in your Tavaci picture! You got good photo's. Mine were bad... WHY DID IT RAIN ON US!!??
