Thursday, September 25, 2008

My Humble Pie is cinnamon flavored

I made cinnamon rolls today. Would you like one? These are from the bottom oven.

These are from the top. I think I'll need to make a few adjustments. But for now we'll be eating those black ones, minus the bottoms. All that sugar just melted and burned. Just when I think I'm perfect, I go and try to bake.

Here are my cute girls before church on Sunday. They love being seen through the eye of the camera! I made Leah's "sweater" from some fabric I found on a discount table at Hancock's a few weeks ago. That stuff sure was hard to work with! I made a size 5, so we won't know if she's got hands for another several months.

We're still fishing things out of Joseph's mouth. I found him with a wood shaving about 10 minutes ago. I'm still trying to figure that one out. On my way back from throwing that away, I found a game marker in his hand. And I think he just swallowed something else 2 minutes ago. Great. (I just turned around to check on him and found him in a cupboard. He'd found one of those mister fans, had gotten the 2 AA batteries out and was starting to eat them!) I wish he'd eat baby food so well!


  1. That boy needs a leash! ;) I feel bad for you. I never dealt with that one. Cute Girls. So sorry for your cinniman rolls.

  2. Sorry about your cinnamon rolls and your human vacuum. :D

  3. Oh, Joseph, Joseph! I had one just like him...oh, was I on my toes.

    We all have made a bad batch of something in our day...this happens to be yours. hehe They still look yummy though. :)

  4. Oh man! All that work to make homemade cinnamon rolls and then 1/2 of them burn? Bummer! Feed them to the bunnies, they would probably eat em.
