Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I LOVE milk

I just had to share that.

If I didn't fear that I would end up looking like the cow that provided it, I would drink whole milk - for all three meals.

And as the price of milk has risen to 15 cents a cup and now over 21 cents, I savor it all the more.

The only thing that makes milk better is a brownie or cookie or piece of cake. ;)


  1. I love milk too! I have had to start having the kids drink poweder milk, with the prices and all. But I cant do it. It smells like baby formula!

  2. Kristy, if you mix 1/2 whole milk and 1/2 powdered, it is MUCH better. Trust me. I would not lead you wrong when it comes to milk!

  3. Thanks. I may try it. I am really squeemish.

  4. I half expected to see a cow you guys got for your land. ;)

  5. Yum- cold milk.

    Not fresh from a cow milk...but good 'ol from the store milk. :)

    I like the scan of Nathan's school work. Very cute! And 'Hibbo' is so darling.

  6. oh oh i love milk- seriously i am mocked for being a grown woman milk!!

    just think you are saving yourself medical expenses later on staving off osteoporosis
