Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Homework Woes

I kind of expected my troubles with homework to be done when I graduated from BYU (10 years ago this August?!?!?). Alas, this was not to be since I eagerly began having children eight years ago and then sent them off to school.

You may remember this post about Daniel and his reading homework. Chad and I were reminded of Daniel's reading wiggles when Nathan was reading a little book last week and ended up with his feet touching the floor and his head down where his little behind originally sat.

*insert narration* Since sitting here to type this post, 3 kids have come to me with "serious problems." Where can I find a potion to make me invisible for just 15 minutes? I'll sell an organ to pay for it if necessary.

And then yesterday, while I was preparing fake french fries, Nathan was reading his little homework book to me...while spinning in place. I'm amazed he could make out the words. So now I know it's a (mutated?) gene we possess in our family. I'll have to wait another 2 years to find out if affects the girls, too.

Daniel is currently at the kitchen table doing his math homework. That's part of the reason why I'm in the computer room. I was in there cleaning up and had to keep reminding him to work on homework.

Me: "Daniel, Focus!"
Daniel: "Focus! FOCUS! Focus on cheetahs and zebras."

I did mention that he was doing MATH homework, right?

Then I began a repeated, circular path from the kitchen counters to the table. I first gathered a ripped up spelling test and threw it away. Next I rescued the letter opener. My next trip was for one tiny scrap of paper that I missed the first time, but was found by Daniel. I returned again for a spare pencil. Still, he found ways to play.

I want to say that I was NOT yelling, and he was not complaining. He was happy in his little distracted world.

*insert more narration* Since typing that last period, I did end up yelling and taking care of two different offenders over two different squabbles. I'm amazed that Joseph continues to sleep. I love that swing.

Just before I left the homework scene to save my sanity, I told Daniel that he had started out on his homework so well and then things just kind of fell apart. That's when he semi-seriously began searching his homework page for the exact moment that happened. He found it (about a third of the way down) and said something like, "Oh. Here it is." I rolled my eyes...either mentally or physically - I can't remember...and retreated to the computer.

*last inserted narration* Since starting this post, Daniel has finished his math homework, picked out a coloring book, gotten into a fight with Nathan, made up and gone outside in 46 degree weather with only gloves to ward off the chill. (Nathan was smarter and wore gloves, plus a coat - skipped the zip.) I have listened to countless whining, broken up 3 or 4 fights, "sternly" spoken to 3 little people, tied 4 shoes, put on 2 gloves, zipped Rebekah's coat and rubbed my forehead repeatedly. I think it took 20 minutes to write this.


  1. I detest homework! I never did it growing up- I don't know why the trend in education is now that every child must do homework every night from the day they start kindergarten- ughh- It totally bums th day

  2. I hope today is better. Good luck with the next 18 years of homework!

  3. I just love your posts!!! They all too much resemble my days and trying to get Jaden to FOCUS on his work and to just get it done! I loved your April Fools dinner from the previous post! You are so creative!!!

  4. Oh, this sounds all too familar. I feel everything you wrote. It's like I could delete the names of your children and add in mine. hahaha

    You made me giggle...though this isn't a giggling matter. If it was me in your situation I'd of pulled my hair out! But I can giggle freely since I'm only reading. teehee
