Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Up to no good

I've been trying to keep out of trouble lately. Here's a little of the past week or so.

A small quilt top

We made strawberry syrup and strawberry jam from a flat of strawberries. Chad is using the Squeezo. I love that thing! It gets out the juice and separates it from the pulp and seeds. Not so fun to wash it though.
A whole flat of strawberries and this is all we get??

I made a batch of bread yesterday. This time, it did not cave in and make itself into a bread bowl loaf. However, I am having a problem with the tops of my loaves sinking a bit and leaving me with a wrinkled crust. Anyone have any suggestions? Share them in the comments!

I mopped the floor tonight. I realize that some of you will not think this is anything worth mentioning. If that is the case for you, let me introduce myself. Hi. I'm Arlyn. I don't often mop my floor. When you come for a visit, please don't take your shoes off.

I also cleaned up the laundry room which had been terrorized by muddy boots all winter. It was an all day effort, but it looks so much nicer!

I bought 12 yards of fabric this afternoon to make dining room curtains. It cost me just under $50. That is my motivation to actually make the curtains! When you come for a visit, please mention how cute they are! (But give me a couple of weeks to make them.)

Nathan and Joseph got shots yesterday. Nathan got his last chicken pox shot and Joseph just about got everything. Poor kid. He woke up with a little fever this morning, but slept for a good chunk of the night! Rebekah and Joseph are on the down side of ear infections.

Daniel signed up for pee wee baseball tonight. It's more like a clinic, I think. It's only about a month long. Perfect!!! He still gets a T-shirt out of it, so he'll have something to brag about until he outgrows it (in two years at the rate he's growing). Anyway, he's quite excited about it. I said I'd only sign him up if he would quit complaining about going to TaVaci for the rest of the season. He starts to get TaVaci burn out near the end of each semester. I'm not a pushy mom, though! I don't make him sign up...I just make him finish. He gets a trophy when they graduate the kids in 6th grade. Part of him wants the trophy...part of him doesn't (the vocal part).

And for those who would like to and are able to, the Spring TaVaci concert is May 10th. That's a Saturday. It would be over about 7 pm, I'm guessing. It's free and you can watch Daniel and Leah on stage. You can also watch Nathan in the seats. He gets restless about 3/4 the way through and starts asking when it's over.

I have been doing a lot of laundry lately as Rebekah is timing her bathroom trips poorly. The boys just chose to wet their pants. Leah never did. But it seems like Rebekah is creating more laundry than any of the others ever did. It's been interesting. The little spot of linoleum by the toilet gets cleaned almost daily. And you should know that goes against my cleaning nature!

Other than that, I haven't been doing much. And my house shows it. On a happier note, I have been more patient and slower to anger with the kids. We're having nicer days all around. (I still want them to leave me alone while I eat my breakfast!)


  1. I'm impressed with how much you do. That quilt is awesome.

  2. i paint to avoid moping-- LOL but i did my new sy=team mop it has greatly increased mopping frequency here-- oh send some syrup my way I love it on our sat am sourdough pancakes my husband makes

  3. You have been a busy lady. Your quilt top looks great!

  4. WHERE DID YOUR ENERGY COME FROM! Can you share? I so never mop my floors. I do need to make Strawberry Jam. Looks so good and we have been out all winter! You did a great job on you quilt. You should teach me to make curtains! I have none in my entire house!

  5. Good grief girl, no wonder you are tired. Ever heard of buying strawberry jam? It's pretty cheap at Costco. And who needs curtains when you can duck tape sheets over the windows? Works well for me. Who ever heard of "quilting" for fun. Those two words do not go together in my book. Quilting for Quitters is more like it. It would only take about 2 seconds before I would quit. I would have been left on the side of the pioneer trail on the way to Zion that's for darn tootin sure :)

  6. Who cares what your place looks like! Look at all you've accomplished this week! You GO, GIRL!!

    And I have to say that I'm so happy you don't mop your floors very often {except the ring around the toilet!} because I am right with ya on that. I HATE mopping my floors. Thankfully we have very dark and textured ceramic tile through out our walk ways. I always tell everyone that it's the BEST tile because it hides the dirt so well and that if they ever can tell that it's dirty {which is far more so then not} then you know it's gotta be VERY, VERY dirty! grrrrr

  7. okay so i have have to ask what kind of teacher- I am a teacher too- oh the special bond of educators- I got my bs in eled and my Ms in human development/early childhood-& I've taught preschool, 1st and creative arts classes- & I taught child devel. the college level
