Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Tagged (just like a head of cattle!)

My friend Kristy tagged me last week. I've never been tagged before.

For those of you who don't keep a blog, you "tag" someone to answer the same questions or write on the same topic that you just posted about. You can tag any number of people. Sometimes it's specified how many to tag in the post. It's a step up from chain letters...a little step with more personality.

So here I go.

5 Interesting/Quirky Things About Me
(some you may or may not already know)

I am a night owl. I take the long road to bed at night, finding lots of little things to do on the way. (It must drive Chad crazy to wait for me, but so far he has been kind.) Consequently (or maybe just coincidentally), I am NOT a morning person. (That 7 AM French class in college was a REALLY bad idea. I did not make that mistake twice!)

I own 3 flutes and can't play any of them. I have one fixed up for myself to learn to play on my own, but finding the time (ok, let's be honest...MAKING the time) has been difficult. I bought the other two off of eBay for cheap planning to fix up and sell for a profit. They're still sitting in their beat up conditions. Anyone want to buy a fixer upper? I DO own and play the clarinet and piano, although my skill levels are not impressive. I play the radio the best!

I often feel guilty. I think about how much I flake out on someone (Chad mostly, the kids, too) or how I spend money, or what I think about someone else, or if I cut someone off on the road, or if I start feeling too prideful, or how much time I spend on the computer, or if I haven't written in my blog lately, or if the housework is done, or if I'm reading too get the idea.

I hate clothes shopping. I never find anything I like that fits and is something I can afford. I usually walk out of the store, empty handed, discouraged and wishing for a different body. But at least the only thing I'm spending is time, right Chad?

I love to create something. I have a whole sewing room with fabrics and craft materials. It's a necessity for me. I like to learn new things. I taught myself to cross-stitch in High School and to crochet 8 years ago. I used to know how to knit (when I was 4), but have plans to re-learn that as well as learn new crafts. For now, I'm enjoying Digital Scrapbooking and have plans for eye-popping projects. :) The best part is finishing something (like Joseph's Blessing outfit that needs to be done by Sunday).

OK. Now you might know me a little better.

I tag Amber and the Collett family bloggers.

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