Tuesday, January 22, 2008

School is cancelled

Again. It's 9 AM and -12 degrees outside. It's gotten two degrees warmer!

A little bit ago Daniel told me that he didn't feel good. Doesn't he know that he doesn't have to go to school? We are very sensitive around here. We often don't feel good. I'm often saying, "Go lie down." (Actually, I say, "Go lay down" but I know that's improper grammar and don't want you to think I'm unschooled!)

Unfortunately, we all have to go out soon because Leah has her yearly check up today. She's very excited because (oh, Leah JUST told me her tummy hurts...see?) the doctor's appt. is all about her. Even though she knows she's getting a shot, she's still excited to be the center of attention!

I hear Joseph crying. He must not feel good. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Tummy aches are going around my family.... Good Luck! At Least You are out of school we are the only ones from Firth north, in school!!
