Saturday, January 19, 2008

Grateful for the little things

I would just like to put in a plug for the Fisher Price Cradle Swing.

This thing has saved us several times. Sometimes, it's the only thing that soothes Joseph. He likes to swing side to side best of all. Lately, Joseph's bed has been the swing. I get the most rest when the swing is going.

Now don't think I'm a bad parent, but sometimes he sleeps 5-6 hours in the swing. It doesn't quite catch me up on sleep, but I don't fall as far behind! If I put Joseph in the bassinet, he rarely goes more than 2 hours.

I LOVE this swing!

Two complaints:

1)Replacing batteries. We're running it all night. You can imagine how quickly that zaps the batteries.

2)Noisy motor. This swing is several years old (I bought it at a second hand children's store in 2002) so I figure that they've been able to improve the motor. I get annoyed when I "hear" phrases in the repetitious noise of the motor. Things like, "I look at that, I look at that, I look at that." So I may actually be telling you that I'm crazy, but I do hear things like that.

I know that the ones they make now have lights and music. Joseph is quite content to watch the 4 little stuffed animals that hang over him. He especially likes the zebra. I think he's told it some secrets!

This swing is now pampering at least its 5th child. We've never had any problems with it and I like the openness of it that makes it easy to get little bodies in and out. It's worth the $100 price tag it has (especially if it's going to be used for siblings)!


  1. Aren't swings wonderful!!! No one will think you're a bad parent, you do what you can to get some sleep and let your baby get some sleep. If he likes it, use it!!!

  2. I know many people that have their babies sleep in their swings. You are not alone. I am glad that it helps you get some sleep. Maybe you are going crazy with those voices. You should have the kids listen to it and come up with some things that is says then you will think of their funny's instead.
