Monday, July 02, 2007

Ultrasound Results

I have never been so close to wetting my pants as I was this afternoon. This was the 6th time I've had to drink a tub full of water for an ultrasound and I thought this would be the day that I went home with a very embarrassing pair of wet pants!

Apparently every other patient they had halfway through her pregnancy had scheduled her ultrasound today. I really would have waited a day or two. They were 20 excruciating minutes behind schedule. I was feeling so tortured, I would have told the nation's secrets! As it was, my eyes were watering.

Everything seemed to be going in slow motion. First, the doctor wanted to measure the baby's head. All seemed fine there. I REALLY wanted to jump up and run to the bathroom. Then he asked if we wanted to know the sex. We affirmed that we did and he moved "south." It was so obvious that I didn't need the doctor to tell me anything. He confirmed what I already knew. Leah is getting the little brother that she's been wanting. (WHY? Aren't her big brothers mean enough? Maybe she wants a chance to pay back the male race, but needs a victim smaller than herself.) Well, we joked about the view, the doctor measured a hundred more baby parts (ok, only 2 or 3 parts) and confirmed that everything was exactly as it should be. *Whew!* I was really glad to hear that part. FINALLY! I got to go to the bathroom. I've never enjoyed it more!

So now we can stop worrying about switching rooms for the kids. The boys' room is bigger and will be even bigger once we put the bunk beds together. Otherwise, we would have had to take 3 beds apart to change girls and boys and probably needed a little redecorating. I wonder how out of date my boys' clothes are. There are considerably fewer after Nathan wore many of them out. Even so, we probably still have plenty.


  1. Congratulations! Another nephew for me!

  2. Yay!! Congrats! It's nice to know that other people are able to have boys since I'm certainly not!
