Sunday, July 29, 2007

Not quite the best mom

I made cookies this afternoon. Date-filled cookies with crispy, buttery dough. Yum. As I'm making these cookies, I'm thinking to myself what a nice mom I am to be making cookies for my children. I must love them so much!

Then I realized that the best mom would actually let the kids help. I can't even list all the ways that isn't desirable. Not only do I avoid that bonding activity, I complained to Daniel that he was breathing on the cookies (and he WAS!).

To top it off, I only let them have one even though they requested more.

So I'm not quite the best mom, but we'll be having homemade date-filled cookies with our gourmet pb&j tomorrow (if Daddy doesn't eat them all first).


  1. It's never as fun as people make it sound to have kids help with any kind of cooking! It just creates stress and a mess. I only have my kids help me with cookies for x-mas. If they are lucky, Halloween too. And I totally get the whole breathing on them too. It drives me nuts!!!

  2. LOL- Ashley wants me to teach her how to decorate cakes. I'm dreading the thought. It's so much work! Plus if you let one help you have to let them all help. Then they fight, then they spill then they all get sent to their rooms. So really- it's in their best interest not to get to help at all.

  3. I love to make cookies when they all go to BED!! Then I can eat half of them and they dont even know I have any!! hehehe
