Sunday, July 29, 2007

Can I do this?

BABYLON, N.Y. (AP) - A peace officer for the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals happened across a moving pillowcase on a beach Saturday on which someone had written: "Live Gator - Please find him a home," officials said.
The off-duty officer for the Suffolk County organization had been taking a walk on Long Island's Overlook beach, according to the group. The officer called in a response team to rescue the 30-inch-long animal.
SPCA officials are asking for donations to help them care for the alligator until it can be taken to a sanctuary. They are also seeking information on who might have dumped the gator.

I still have a cat that I need to find a home for. Maybe a dog, too.

1 comment:

  1. That is what will happen to any animal that my kids may bring home. They have been made aware numerous times that we're not having pets- I hope they remember it.
