Tuesday, January 12, 2016


A few things that have come up lately.

The kids' school has a dress code complete with uniforms.  I don't mind either of those though I do think some things are a little strange.  For instance, they must wear a belt if they have belt loops.  Apparently, cutting the belt loops off is an acceptable way to avoid wearing a belt.  Of course, there are all sorts of enforcement inconsistencies depending on who sees you and how much they like you.  Welcome to the world of politics, children!

The kids say one of the lunch ladies at school is mean and for some reason she squeezes the ice cream sandwiches before she hands them to you.  So anyone buying one is getting it in a distorted shape.  I have a feeling this is the same lady that throws the ice cream at them.

We have been completing science fair projects this week.  This is always an emotionally challenging time for me and my perfectionist self.  But more than my desire to fix everything the girls have been doing is my belief that they have to learn and make their own mistakes.  It's much harder to learn some things in high school or even college!  Even so, repeated runs through experiments really should be dated!  And graphs comparing sets of data are better when the colors aren't too close to each other.  (Green, yellow, and light green?  Come on!)

It has finally gotten cold!  I really enjoyed having the windows open yesterday.  And then I had to close them when the sun went down.  Brr!  We actually turned on the heater in the van on the way to school this morning.  And then Joseph complained it was hot (it must have been an automatic complaint).  Sarah asked why it's cold now.  I explained that it's this temperature in Idaho about the time school starts and I watched her think that over.  Then she said, "I want to move to Idaho!"  Even so, we haven't turned on the furnace at home...yet.

I am typing this on my Kindle while Nathan does physical therapy. The owner of the office is from Minnesota (or somewhere equally cold) and he's not running his furnace, either.  But my toes in my flip flops are cold and my fingers are icy from tapping on my little screen!  It's time to go warm up a bit.

1 comment:

  1. No comment, because there is too much to comment about.
