Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Evidence of Motherhood

I glanced around my house today and saw evidence of children all around.  I'm not talking about baskets of clean, unfolded laundry or a sink full of dirty dishes or crumbs all over the table and floor. 

My evidences were a bit sweeter.

Like a container of tadpoles sitting on my kitchen counter.  They spent two days at school and after 4 days, have outlived all other tadpoles that have been brought inside.  Did you know that they like to eat spinach?  We keep some in the freezer and then defrost it before feeding it to them.  This is evidence of an 8-year-old boy.

I hope we get them back outside before they grow legs and escape!

Also on my kitchen counter are two cages and 4 mice.  They ran a maze for a science fair project.  We had a hard time getting some to live long enough to start the project.  And now I just want them to DIE and quit stinking up my kitchen!  This is evidence of an animal lover scientist. 

Who doesn't have something of the Frozen persuasion in their home?  How many Olafs have been tucked into bed on the couch as we all left for school.  This is evidence of a young girl with a love of Frozen!

The Legos are everywhere.   This is evidence of young builders who go through spurts of interest and leave Lego pieces strewn across every. single. room.

We have a lots of spelling words to study.  Some are harder than others.  This is evidence of a child hoping for 100% on the test coming later that day.

There is a lot of evidence around the house.  I'm pretty thankful for it!

1 comment:

  1. Just when a person might think that chaos is stressful, the same person discovers that it can also provoke humor which then lessens the stress.
