Friday, January 07, 2011

Spectator Sports

Having kids has really turned me into a spectator because they want me to "look" all the time!

Joseph has turned eating animal crackers into a spectator sport. He first has to ask me what the animal is. I usually answer, "I don't know" because that is something I don't really want to have to answer for the whole handful of crackers! Of course, it doesn't stop there. Joseph makes me look at the cracker after every bite. First the head. Then the tail. Then one leg. Then the other leg. Then into his mouth the torso goes and out comes the next victim.

Another less than enjoyable spectator sport is trying to catch what the kids want me to see on the screen saver on their computer...while I'm on my computer...with my back turned. I usually miss it (because I'm kind of busy here) and they then have to tell me what it was or ask me who is was (which can be hard to do when I didn't see it).

I still don't understand the moments when they want me to "look" and watch them do something that they know they aren't supposed to stand up on the back of the couch.

It's only when they don't want me watching that I'm really interested in following their every move.

And then there is the flip side of all this. Apparently, I am a spectator sport; the kids sure do a lot of watching me...from their comfortable spots on the couch!

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