I finally got rid of that awful yellow blog background. I apologize for that...I was not willing to sit through the process again, but I have also been looking forward to November just to get rid of it!
I hope this one is more pleasant to look at. I struggled with the text color and font. I hope it's readable. I increased the font size for you, in hopes that the white on orange will be easier to read.
I have been suffering through the germs my littlest ones shared with me. I finally got some Sudafed today and have been blowing my nose less, but walking around in a drug-induced buzz.
The weather has been beautiful lately. It makes me wonder what Mother Nature has up her sleeves for winter. She's probably lulling us into a sense of comfort before she buries us in a blizzard of snow and sleet!
I have been trying to find my sewing table yesterday and today. I finished up the matching pj's I made for the girls (Christmas presents) and cut out & sewed a dress for Rebekah from some corduroy I picked up almost a year ago. I bought some fabric at the store this morning to make some festive placemats (reversible for Nov and Dec). I have 5 yards of denim to use to make the girls some school pants and 10? yards of Christmas fabric that I bought after the new year, last year, to make this year's Christmas pj's for the kids.
Joseph is doing better, but I'm not completely sure he can hear me 100%. If he doesn't respond better after the antibiotics are done, I'll take him back to have his ears checked. Can you have permanent hearing loss from an ear infection?
Chad has been working on the house, under and in, trying to get things in good condition. He discovered a long-term leak at the water spigot that has blacked the wood in the crawl space and soaked the insulation along the walls. Plus, our bathroom has seen little improvement in the past weeks and the project need a jump start. Not to mention a little funding.
The general condition of the housekeeping has suffered since I've been sick. My sinuses are so affected, that it gives me a tooth ache to lean down and pick something up! That's crazy, but true. Who knew I was so fragile?
Our stake has declared this week temple week and we are supposed to do something temple related each day. I haven't been very good at even remembering to keep up. But last night we had FHE on the temple. It was Nathan's turn to do the lesson, so he pulled out a few pictures of temples/tabernacles to quiz us on. Is there anyone in the church that doesn't recognize the Salt Lake Temple? Nathan apparently thought that one was going to stump us. Our treat was a pan of brownies. We kept it in the oven twice as long as intended because Chad turned the oven off near the beginning of the bake. We like to do things the hard way around here.
Today was Election Day. Did you remember to vote? I was voter #33 this morning. I now look forward to seeing all those campaign signs taken down. Isn't there a way to make those things a little prettier? Maybe more informative in the very least?
Now that I've rambled on and on...I have to go take care of some R.S. stuff. I've put it off long enough. I wonder if I can find a channel that isn't covering the election while I work?
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