Tuesday, December 01, 2009


I'm really sorry you don't have a scratch-and-sniff computer screen.

Here is our Christmas tree. Isn't it a beauty? It was only $25 at Home Depot. Love it.
Chad says it's a bush, but I think it's beautiful. But even better than its looks is the way it smells. My living room smells like a pine forest. It's wonderful! I made sure to put a new vacuum bag in the vacuum before cleaning up the pine needles that fell while we set the tree up. I want nothing to interfere with those little scent sticks when I go to vacuum in the next few weeks. (Incidentally, if you store your vacuum bags with your fabric softener sheets, you get the smell of freshly washed laundry the first few uses of your bags.)

And when I string the lights on (which is what I'm going to do after posting this and making sure Sarah is sleeping), I won't have to wrap the lights out on each branch and back again. Our Christmas tree last year had to be done that way to avoid having it look like a spool of wire. And if that presents a pretty picture, maybe you'd like to know that I also had to resort to twist ties to keep the lights on the branches. The worst part of all that is trying to untangle it all after all the good memories have been made.

OK...I'm going to go back to my heavily-scented living room. I wonder if these trees have been artificially scented? If so...what a great idea!

Post Script: I went out to string the lights, testing each strand before starting. When I got done and plugged them in, this is what I got. Figures. I ended up lighting this tree an equivalent of 2 times. I'm really going to enjoy those little twinklers now!

1 comment:

  1. Your tree is AWESOME! I wish I could get one that bushy!
