Thursday, July 23, 2009


I was raised by a very exacting mother and absent father. I don't know if I have a normal set of expectations for my children. Often, I feel like I expect too much of them and am harsher than I should be because I'm not getting my expectations met.

Sometimes I get so frustrated that all I can think to do is pick up a stick and put a welt across their behind or a knot on top of their head. So I just yell at them, clench my fists and leave the room (or make them leave).

This summer has been particularly hard for me, being pregnant, in the heat, with 5 kids home all day and suddenly losing the freedom to call on Chad for help whenever I needed it.

Yesterday, Daniel joyfully tormented the people around him because he was bored. He was very glib about it...he was bothering people because he was bored. But he didn't want to do anything about being bored...he just wanted to bother people. I wanted to rip his nasty personality out through his nose.

This morning, Daniel made Leah sit down in a plate of play dough. Only one person thought that was funny. I was so stinkin' mad! I had given them the job to clean up their rooms and bathroom so they could vacuum and then bring the vacuum down to me to use. Nine o'clock and Daniel is in his pajamas, standing in the computer chair...doing some kind of nonsense. I lost all sense.

This is what I found in the bathroom upstairs. Cleaning products by a wet stuffed animal. I'm not sure if there is a connection. It surely won't surprise me to learn there is. A big tupperware bowl on the counter. Having a late night left-over binge? And this is the picture that doesn't bother me too much.

This is where I lost my mind. How many tissues do they really need? And when are they going to decide that the garbage can can't hold any more? See that big plastic bag? It's a garbage bag...from the last time they filled the trash can. Do I really need to show them the connection? And of course, no one knows how it got to be that way. THEY surely didn't do it. Maybe I should make them go outside to use the toilet or blow their nose. We won't notice a lot of extra leaves all over the ground.

I've grounded everyone and it is a work day...all day. My lazy, complaining kids are going to drive me nuts. I can't work all day! Joseph is already hanging on me and whining. It's only 9:15. I can barely get up the stairs without passing out.

But I am so done with these spoiled kids. Then again, are they spoiled? I don't know if this is just normal kid behavior and I'm off the deep end trying to make them into something they can't be. My mom told me once that she handled motherhood better...that's why her kids were better behaved. She wasn't raising my kids. And I'm not willing to travel some of the roads she did.

So I'm wondering, are my kids normal? Do you have the same problems with yours? Do you think everything is going smoothly and then hear an ear-piercing scream and listen as the universe crumbles while one evil villain smiles in satisfaction?

Truly, I'm not looking for advice. I just want to know that I'm going crazy with the rest of the world. Otherwise, I'll probably end up in the county lock-up. You can google my name later and find out all the horrible details.

I need an old farmer grandpa that I can send them to live with for 3 weeks. Don't those always have positive endings? Work them to death and see if they don't appreciate what they've really got.


  1. I only have 3 and I am feeling the same way. I was worse when I was pregnant. But I am so mad somedays! Kaitlyn screams constantly higher than I can hear. And wakes Logan up after 20 minute naps. You know the rest..... If you go to the county lock up I will meet you there!

  2. I have often wished for the farmer as well. Nothing but good old fashion work to straighten them up and figure out who they are. But seriously, I know where you are coming from and being pregnant just isn't a good mix with a high energy, round the clock job. You are almost there, YOU CAN DO IT!!!

  3. You are definitely not alone - it was one of those days around our house today as well!

  4. If your kids aren't normal neither are mine! I mean did you check out my latest blog :) I have my four at home and am pregnant too so I know a little of how you feel. Hang in there {hug}

  5. You ARE the farmer Grandpa. One week with you and Jacen knew how good he had it.
