Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Daniel and the Chiropractor

Not to be confused with the popular story, Daniel and the Lion's Den. The chiropractor was very nice and not at all like a ferocious, hungry lion. (I have to put that in there, he is the brother of a good friend!)

We all drove to Pocatello yesterday morning to bring Daniel to his doom. Except it didn't turn out that way at all! We got through the whole appointment and Daniel didn't even shed one tear! What am I paying for?

It turns out, Daniel does have a touch of TMJ, but it is a muscular cause. His jaw is being pulled just slightly. The Dr. slammed him against the table several times, causing loud banging noises. Joseph was very attentive during this part. (Actually, the table was made to move with the adjustment and no Daniels were harmed during the procedure.) We are to go back next week for a follow-up beating. If I don't try to figure out the gas, both of these visits combined will be cheaper than the hour of physical therapy we had last year. Maybe even with the gas figured in. It seems Daniel's neck muscles are getting a little mischievous every once in a while and giving him problems. Anyone in the family want to enter the chiropractic field and adjust him once or twice a year? We could work out some kind of deal.

1 comment:

  1. I need a chiropracotr in my family too. But they would have to see me once a month! I am glad that he is helping Daniel
