Wednesday, July 15, 2009

All that's happened - the ultra long version

Well, where have I been? It's not been a spa resort or tucked comfortably into bed, I can tell you that! But that would have been nice. We're about 7 weeks into summer. No one has been sold or murdered yet. I commend myself for great restraint in that regard. I can't claim much patience or kindness. A friend told me yesterday that she told her husband, "I think the devil just yelled at your kids." I'm thinking that the devil is in many places this summer. I may have to visit the dentist to have my jaw checked. I've been gritting my teeth so often that I'm sure I have damaged something. Being 7+ months pregnant in July isn't helping.

But speaking of the summer months, we've been really lucky. It didn't even get hot until last week or so. It rained all of June, including some really great thunderstorms. I really like the rain (as long as I'm not trying to do anything outside). We've had about 4 really uncomfortable days. That's pretty good and I've been thankful. This week is supposed to get near 100 degrees. My gratitude may suffer.

And we've discovered something unexpected from the wet month we just had. We have a lot of these. I wish I was referring to the cups or towels, but it's the little guys hanging out on them that have invaded. We have earwigs EVERYWHERE! It's gotten to the point that I just sweep them to the floor. We were setting the table for dinner earlier this week. I dropped one to the floor, then found another one about 5 minutes later. It went to the floor. The next thing we know, there is one sitting on the top of the milk cap, all the way on top of the milk jug! I showered with two of them yesterday. I came in from the garage yesterday and noticed one getting a free ride on my hand. Last night Chad got one off the ceiling of our room. I didn't even know they could travel across the ceiling. Those alien invasion movies have less creatures than we do! I've been wondering if we could get a diaper on a chicken or two and put those birds to work inside the house. (Obviously, I would rather sweep an earwig to the floor than clean up chicken poop.)

We got a few fireworks from a little stand nearby. The kids had fun throwing the snaps. Joseph didn't quite get it, but he tried anyway. We took two nights to light them all, despite the cool weather and pesky breezes. We only had one dud. I still wonder what it was supposed to do.

Here is what we had to show for our $9 by the time it was all done.

Of course, we didn't get through the event without tears. Isn't that a sad face?

On Saturday, Chad worked on the gates to the fence. The kids were itching to help. I think they actually did...a little.

I love this little shot of Joseph. He looks so studious. He must be working on the plans for the gates.

And if Daddy is cutting wood, there must be wood scraps. The kids made
"boats" and painted them. We've not actually tried them in the water, but we're really proud of them anyway.

The rain caused us another problem. Well, I feel part of the problem, too. We were outside on the 4th of July. It was a bit of a crazy weather week and there was rain forecast for the evening, but was supposed to clear up in time for the fireworks. As we finished up our fence work (actually, I shouldn't be taking any credit there), the storm clouds came rolling in and the thunder was repetitive. It was 6 PM. I could only think of sitting a long walk from the car with the chance of still getting rained on. And even if didn't rain, the ground would be wet, right? What do we do with the littlest ones who have waited hours for the show and are now cold and wet at dark?

So I came up with an alternative plan. Why don't we go out to eat, rent a movie and eat our firework snacks in a dry basement? It was bit of job convincing everyone to go along with the plan, but we eventually all agreed. After all, they'd been excited about going to the show ALL WEEK LONG! We couldn't find a restaurant open close by, so we ended up driving into Idaho Falls. We were on our way home at 8 PM. Guess what? The sun was shining. I was starting to feel bad. But Chad and I were both feeling we'd rather not go through the effort (for different reasons). We watched our movie and ate the snacks and were in bed sooner than we would have been otherwise. But I felt bad for causing them to miss the fireworks! And then the next morning Rebekah asks me when we're going to go to the fireworks. Aahhhh! She didn't understand. Major guilt for the mommy. I kept telling myself that they'll be fine. They'll eventually forget that we missed them this year and we'll be able to completely avoid therapy. But I still felt guilty. I'm doing a little better now...nearly 2 weeks later.

At least we got some pictures before the night totally bombed. I think this year may be the last year Daniel lets me dress him like everyone else. That's OK. I knew it wouldn't last forever. I would worry about him if he didn't speak up. But we got some cute pictures anyway. This picture of the back of the kids was actually an outtake. Joseph found Nathan's pocket and distracted everyone. I had to snap a shot and I'm glad I wasn't laughing so hard that the picture was blurred. Check out Joseph's grin in the front facing picture. :)

My dad was up for a visit this last week. The kids had been looking forward to his visit and then they all went out to play. They still enjoyed showing off for him.

And my dad took a picture of Joseph (who didn't run off to play) next to his new little sister.

Unfortunately, the little sister isn't born yet, so you just get a really ugly side view of my very lumpy front. Sorry about the hairs going up on the back of your neck (but not sorry enough to spare you the pic)!

Daniel has been having some pain around his right ear/jaw. It started the last weekend in June, after the kids slept out in the tent with Chad. It took him until Thursday to agree to go to the doctor. The available doctor said it was TMJ. He said it would go away in about a week and to just give him ibuprofen 3 times a day. I called the dentist the next morning. (We had an appointment for Monday to pull a baby tooth and I was wondering if we should wait or try to be seen.) The dentist was unofficially in the office, but would see him if I could get there soon.

Well, we eventually made it, with some effort. The dentist said it wasn't TMJ, but might be some molars coming in - causing problems. He gave him some antibiotics and said he should be feeling better by fireworks (which were the next night). By the time we returned on Monday, nothing was improved. They did a panoramic x-ray and said whatever the problem was, it wasn't dental. He suggested visiting an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist. So on the way home, I called back to the original doctors' office and left a message for our favorite/regular doctor to call.

He made room in his schedule for him the next day. It turns out, it was his neck muscles! All this and it was his neck. We were into day 10 of pain and crying and drugs. He worked on him a bit and said to continue the meds for another day or so and he should be better. Yes, he's better, but still waking up at night and asking for medicine. We've emptied 3 different containers of ibuprofen...two of which were brand new. We've started on the 4th. I tried to call the doctor back on Friday and learned he is out of the office until the 20th. Of course.

My good friend is going to be visiting her family in Pocatello next week. She comes from a family of chiropractors. We're going to combine a visit with a trip to the chiropractor. Daniel isn't thrilled, because he knows it's going to hurt. But I think he understands that a little bit of pain will help him get past the long term trouble. At least, that's what I'm hoping for!

This week I've been keeping busy with cleaning out my sewing room and getting the girls moved up there. We moved the bed up on Saturday and finally got the dresser up this morning. All that is left is Rebekah's side of the closet (dresses). I can't believe how much stuff I had crammed into that room. I don't have enough places to put it all, so Craigslist helped me get rid of a few things. I hang on to too much stuff.

Our bedroom has a lot of the stuff and is now feeling quite crowded. I need to get more organized. Six kids and a really big sewing addiction makes this house feel pretty small!

Well, that's a bit of what's been going on since I fell off the blogging wagon. I should have broken up the news, but was sure that it would take time to get back to the computer again. Thanks for making it to the end!

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