Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Big Boy

Joseph slept in the toddler bed for the first time today. He didn't even move after we covered him up and said good-bye. He didn't get to sleep very long though because a rain/hail storm blew through town and through his window. (I thought that thing was closed!) I had quite the mess to clean up in there.

Chad put him to bed tonight and he went right to sleep. Is it really going to be that easy? I guess we'll see what happens when he wakes up in the middle of the night. (Oh...I just picked him up off the floor and put him back in bed.)

Doesn't his room look nice and clean (and purple)? We're in a transition period as we get ready for the new baby. I wish it would always be this roomy. Every room in this house seems crowded with STUFF.


  1. CUTE! I am trying to dejunk our house. I am so tired of the wall to wall mess!

  2. Horray on an easy transition to toddler bed! I'm putting off moving our Joseph; new baby will have to be in a bassinet for awhile!
