Thursday, July 03, 2008

Sweat Shop

For the past 3 days I've been trying to sew up some 4th of July shorts for the kids. It's something I work on when I can sneak away. As of right now, I have to sew Joseph's pants and hem everything. So I'm almost done. I've run out of thread though. I need to pick up some more navy blue thread.

I'm glad for a reason to stop anyway. It's almost 5 PM and it's 86 degrees in my sewing room! I'll have to finish everything up in the morning...when it's only 70.


  1. You are crazy. I would have given up by now. I like last minute but that is cutting it close. Good Luck I cant wait to see photo's of your shorts!

  2. I can't wait to see pictures of the kids in their new shorts. By the way, ever heard of air conditioning ;) j/k I don't think I could handle my house being that hot.

  3. I wanna see these SWEAT pants! You're a real mommy trooper. :)
