Monday, July 21, 2008

I love my children, dearly...

...but I'm looking forward to school starting in less than a month.

Seriously. I think they've discovered every known way to annoy each other and even created a few new ones. They are all expert at reacting in such a way that the untrained listener would be sure to think they were suffering mortal injury. So I must seem like a very cold person when I snap at them to knock it off, stop crying and do they need a nap? (I'll have theirs if they don't want it.)

We just completed two weeks of swimming lessons where Nathan FINALLY passed Level 1. I was putting him in Level 2 next year, regardless of the outcome, but it's nice to know he really is ready. (I mean, come on, it was his 3rd year in that class!) Daniel passed Level 3 for the second year in a row. This year he was a little taller and able to let go of the wall...always a plus. Leah will repeat Level 1 (again) but since she's only 4, it isn't a big deal. Rebekah will start lessons next year and they can be in the class together.

We also made our first trip to Rigby Lake on Thursday. We've been here for 4 years now and this was our first trip there. The kids had a TON of fun. Their Scandinavian mother kept fretting over the sun exposure they were getting and checking her watch. Of everyone, Joseph got the sunburn (I got a bit, too) and he was the one parked in the shade most of the time! I have to assume that it bounced off the sand and sneaked up on him because he really wasn't out enough to get burned...which is why I didn't bother slathering sunscreen on him. Oh well. Five kids and I'm still figuring it all out.

We went with some friends, which is why you might not recognize a couple of those kids.

And this last picture makes me smile. You can see it was Rebekah taking the picture. I can't help but think of the verse: Alma 5:14 Have ye received his image in your countenances?

1 comment:

  1. I love rigby lake. I havent taken the kids this year. We have been going to Gem lake since it is closer. It is so much funner than the pool.... I love the photo of Christ and Rebekah!
