Saturday, July 05, 2008

4th of July 2008

How was everyone's celebration? I look forward to this patriotic summer holiday, and feel relieved when it's over again. Young kids in large crowds, late at night is not my favorite thing to inflict upon myself. But we survived it once again. (Well, Leah BARELY survived, according to her complaining in the van on the way home.)

Before I go any further, I must show off some very cute kids. How in the world is it legal to have so much cuteness in one family? Surely there is a crime being committed here. And what adorable matching shorts they have on. Someone must have slaved over those! (My sewing room was cooler the next morning. It was only 81 degrees when I went up to finish sewing. That's a whole 5 degrees cooler than the night before!)

Someone asked if they'd had their pictures taken because they were all matching. Here is the proof that they did.

We had about 4 hours to sit and wait for the firework show to begin. So we had some dinner and a lot of snacks. We took a lot of pictures - including the ones that the kids took with the camera upside down (and I turned back up). We went for a walk at one point. We made a few trips to the bathroom and the kids ran/jumped/goofed around a lot. There was one short game of UNO played.

Following are some pictures.

On the way to the fireworks

Waiting for the fireworks

Practicing what to do during the fireworks

The fireworks

No one cried this year. (THANK YOU!) Well, no one cried because of the fireworks. It wouldn't be honest to say there wasn't any crying at all! Joseph even went to sleep during the show. I guess bright flashes and sounds that vibrate your chest cavity are soothing to a baby born 5th in a family!

And here is a little collage of the night. It should be clickable. But when it comes to Blogger, I don't make assumptions.


  1. They all look so cute! You have way too much talent AND cuteness in your family! Glad you had a good time.

  2. You should be jailed with all the cuteness going to one family. Nice shorts! I am glad that you had fun at the fireworks! Your photo's are cute. We had a disapointing day. Tell ya later about that one...

  3. Glad your day turned out better than ours. I love the shorts; they turned out so cute. It might be because they were worn by such cute kids :)

  4. Didn't I give you 2 window units? Put one in your sewing room!

  5. We've been talking about that. We don't have the plexiglass to put above them yet! :) It kind of got hot all of a sudden.

  6. 4 HOURS to wait to see the fireworks with 5 children? thanks. I can't even imagine doing that...good thing I have neighbors who spend lots of money on fireworks. I dont' even have to drive over to Portland anymore to watch the fireworks.
