Sunday, July 27, 2008

More Small Town Service

You may remember my post about the friendly mail lady who signs for your packages if you're in the shower. If you haven't read that one and would like to, find it here. Maybe you just want to read it again!

I have another story to go along with that one. This one involves garbage. We have garbage pick up on Friday mornings, usually between 10 and 11. Since we live outside of the city, we use a private company and paid for our whole year of garbage pick-up back in January. (Otherwise we'd get a monthly bill...which is one more thing for me to lose.) Chad rolls the can to the street on Fridays before he goes to work and rolls it back in when he gets home. This past week we had a lot of garbage because Chad recently cleaned out the garage. So the garbage can was brimming with refuse.

Last Friday he forgot to roll it out. Here is where the Small Town Service kicks in.

Some of the kids were playing in the front yard when the garbage truck arrived. He pulled up, stopped, honked, and waited for Daniel to roll the monster out to him! What garbage man waits for an 8-year-old boy to roll 100 pounds of garbage to the street? A garbage man in Idaho!

Daniel stood by and waited for the can to come back down and then rolled it back to the house. He told me about it afterward. We sure were grateful that he was so thoughtful as to honk and that Daniel was out there at that time to get it to the street. We probably would have had to make a trip to the dump otherwise.

So how else is this country living going to bless our lives? We already have special delivery and special pick-up. Maybe we could get special skunk trapping. We could really use that.

A scrapbook page from today. (In case you were interested.)


  1. My question is, if he's so friendly, why didn't he drag it out there for Daniel?

  2. How does the kid not suffocate? His chubby little thighs are so cute. I wish someone could say that about my chubby little thighs.

  3. Somebody probably would say that about our thighs if they were actually little. Therein lies the problem.

  4. You are so smart. There ain't nothin little about it.
