Friday, December 12, 2008

Today's Priority - COMPLETED!

I'm posting my project for the morning so that you will all hold me accountable. This project REALLY needs to be done!

This is our laundry room. It's quite a mess and is cluttered with everything from clean laundry in the basket to ketchup and cow poop smears on the floor. I cringe when ever Joseph goes in here. And now that winter has finally decided to make it's fashionably-late entrance, I'm going to want the room to be easy for the kids to put on and take off their snow clothes.

There is stuff in this room from JULY when Chad cleaned out the garage to make room for the new van I was driving home. Yes, it's embarrassing to admit, but we've been stepping over it since then. (It's in the very extreme lower right corner of the the tan boot.)

Do you like the 4 tubs of laundry detergent stacked by the washer? Only one has soap in it. How about the two boxes of dryer sheets on the dryer? One is empty and the other one only has about and inch (or less) of sheets left. Do you like that can of lighter fluid on the counter right by the dryer? That must be some sort of a fire hazard. And let's not miss the recycled soap bucket turned garbage pail that is over flowing with dryer lint (by the TWO litter boxes). I see I still have the big blue pitcher that I used to fill the washer with last month when the water was coming in at such a slow trickle as to run for 30 minutes and still not fill the tub. (Turns out the line was just plugged.) There are a couple of baseball gloves, shoes, boots, coats and it looks like an empty plastic container decorating the room. Please admire the clean laundry in the blue basket. (That's my don't mention them.) And hidden from view is a load of clean dish rags and sheets in the dryer. Those two bins of clothes are recently brought in to be sorted through and there's one more that's out of the picture, which keeps us from fully opening the door to the garage. And can you find Waldo? hehe

So there is my project for the morning. If I can get Joseph down for a good morning nap, I plan to have this room cleaned up and organized by lunch. It's a small room, but a HUGE job. (Obviously, since I haven't attempted to do anything in it since at least July!)


I got the job done! And what a job it was. I removed one of the cat litter boxes. I didn't want to get rid of both of them in case one of the cats snuck in and needed to go potty sometime. I've got the storage bins out. That makes a lot more room to move around! (Unfortunately, I only moved them to the hallway, so now we can't move through there.) You may notice that the blue pitcher is still there. I wasn't sure if Chad was using it for something as there is a rabbit watering bottle in it. And the 3 empty tubs of laundry detergent are still there. They kind of raise the soap up to a usable level. I'm wondering if Chad wants them to use in the garage or if someone else wants them.

The rugs are still in the washer and dryer in this picture.

Speaking of the rugs, I tried to just shake out the one closest to the door. I stopped when I noticed this. See my foot marks? Gross. That's over 5 months of tracked in dirt coming out that rug. I took it outside and got tons more. Then I threw it in the washer.

Here's the pile of debris I got from the entire room. It's a good thing I didn't wait any longer! The top of the dryer was bad enough that I ended up sweeping and mopping it as well. Never done that before!

As I was mopping, Leah told me that her little friend that was here last Friday asked if I ever mopped. It's embarrassing that a 5 year old noticed.


  1. good luck! I should take photo's of what needs done in my house. maybe someone would come and volunteer to finish all the projects for us!

  2. I'm proud of you, Arlyn! It looks beautiful!

  3. Good job! My laundry room is the most neglected of the entire house for sure.
