Thursday, December 18, 2008

Living Wreath

We have a Christmas wreath on the front door. It's a fake one, with fake flowers and pretty fake leaves. BUT, the cat is real.

We have a cat. She wants to come in...really wants to come in. First, she scratches at the door. Then she jumps at the handle. Finally, she jumps to the wreath and climbs to the top. She peers in at us and meows like a baby. Eventually, she moves around up there too much and falls to the ground. Sometimes, she takes the wreath with her.
Here she is at the top of the wreath tonight.

Here she is peeking in. I've pointed out her eye, which looks like two because of the beveled glass.

Yes, it's cold out there. It's been dropping below zero. This is a very fluffy kitty and there are hay bales and sheep shelters and all sorts of places to curl up in. She just wants to come in and sleep under the Christmas tree. She'd have better luck with that if she lived with another family. We like the animals outside better, though we do prefer they stay off the Christmas decorations.

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