Monday, December 22, 2008

Don't Say It

I am a slow learner. I have to tell you a story from my past to start, but before you get to the end of this post, you'll figure out what happened today.

When I was waiting for my mission call (about a hundred years ago...or just 14), people would often ask me where I wanted or hoped to go. I wouldn't say anything specific because I didn't want to influence the outcome. I'm not superstitious, I just know we get tested and maybe Heavenly Father really does have a funny bone.

Case in point: The guy I dated my senior year of high school was waiting for his mission call. He wasn't as quick to learn the lesson and often said he didn't care where he went as long as he didn't have to sleep on the floor or eat raw fish. Can anyone guess where he spent the next 2 years? Yes, Japan. Another case: One of the sisters in my mission prayed for a hard mission. I guess she was really looking for an opportunity to grow. I don't think she ever really learned the language, but her heart was definitely in it.

So I stayed quiet. Until last week.

I was talking to a woman in the ward that I'm developing a better friendship with (always like it when that happens) and we got talking about different things at church. I'm still rather "new", or feel like it, since we've only just passed our 1st year mark. We got to the ward choir which pretty much died sometime around the end of summer. The choir director apparently had health problems or something, so the practices and performances were spotty. I mentioned to my friend that it was strange they hadn't replaced the choir director, especially once it was mentioned the family was moving and since did. She replied that she thought they'd been trying but couldn't find anyone willing. (She had done it when they first moved to the ward, but she had very young kids and was pregnant. After a while, she was released...but that's all way before our time.)

Anyway, I mentioned that I hoped they wouldn't ask me because I would have to accept the calling but REALLY didn't want that! That conversation took place on Monday. Tuesday night the phone rang and would I be willing to meet with the bishop before church on Sunday? (Have you guessed what happened yet?)

When the bishop said they'd like me to lead the ward choir, I immediately said, "I knew it!" I had forgotten the lesson learned 14+ years ago. History was repeating itself. Dang it! I told the bishop that every time I start to really enjoy a calling, I get yanked out of it. So I thought I'd jump right into the choir thing with hopes of being released quickly. He thought that was a good idea and jokingly promised that if I got 50 people out to choir, they'd release me in 6 months. I wish I'd held him to that off-handed remark. I think I could "persuade" some high numbers for a little while. Do they have to sing, too?

So now, I have to go learn how to lead music. Look folks, just because I'm willing to sing in a small group during the ward Christmas party, doesn't mean I'm song leader material. I have had callings that seemed challenging before (Enrichment Leader comes to mind) but this one is going to humble me right down to my single pair of church shoes. I wonder what the average life-span of this calling is. 'Till death do you part? I'm too young to die (and too young for this calling)!


  1. Ha Ha!!! That's what you get. Our choir was more of a quartet and then disappeared completely. Good Luck!

  2. OH MY!!! I am so sorry! That is like when I was asked to play the piano in RS. I dont know how to play the piano! Luckily that one was a mistake and the bishop figured that out before I had to turn it down. I did have to lead the music in RS. I learned the basics quickly.

  3. I swear that always happens! I'm sure you'll do great though!!!!

  4. Ouch! That is one calling that I could do with out thank ya very much. Good luck with that. I'll be rooting you on as I sit and enjoy my primary pianist calling. Oh yeah...OH yeah.
