Wednesday, December 03, 2008


It's December 3rd. It's Eastern Idaho, elevation 4600 feet. The only white stuff I can see on the ground is garbage (thanks to the Eastern Idaho wind). Where is the snow? I am not Australian or a South Pacific native. This is not Africa. The tazmanian devil lives far from here...oh wait, I just sent him and his twin to school this morning.

What I'm trying to say is that I need snow for Christmas! Where is the snow we're supposed to get before Thanksgiving? How can I possible decorate the tree and deliver treat plates without snow? It rained yesterday. How depressing.

Santa will have no place to park his sleigh.


  1. I guess you already got your snow for Halloween :)

  2. I guess I'm one of those people who is hoping that the snow will stay away until Christmas Eve... and then it can leave again!
