Joseph is now 8 months old (plus 11 days) and is beginning to lay down some new rules for his house. They mostly involve me as far as I can tell. Of course, I'm so busy trying to adjust to his new rules that I probably wouldn't notice if he had new ones for anyone else.
Here are the adjusted guidelines:
1. Do not put me down. This includes for diaper changes, wardrobe changes or sanity changes. I must be held.
2. Do not hold me if I'm tired. I must be put my bed, with a thin blanket over my face. Then I will roll over and settle in to sleep...maybe.
3. Come running when I am crying in my crib. Otherwise I will ram my head into the sides of the crib, which will hurt and make me cry even harder.
(Yes, people, he has bumpers in there. He's very skillful at lifting them and crawling under.)4. Do not expect me to sleep very long. I will wake up early if you're planning on getting really involved in something. If you're flitting about the house, wondering what to get really involved in, I will sleep for hours. Be flexible. But don't try to nap yourself.
5. Do not try to do anything while holding me. I don't like that horrid computer and it's no coincidence that I scream within 4 feet of it. Don't attempt to sew. I promise to yank on your project and you will feel guilty forever if you sew my fingers! Don't even think about cleaning. You know you don't like to do that even when your arms are free.
6. Feed me on demand. But don't let go of me with any hands to do it. You figure it out!
7. Stay within my sight at all times. 'Nough said.
8. Don't take me to the garden while you weed. It's not fun, no matter how many things you say in silly ways. What I'm trying to say is only
visit the garden, briefly, while carrying me.
9. NEVER strap me into my car seat. I hate that thing and the 4 hour trip we just had did nothing to ease my pain. I guess we'll just have to stay home...forever.
10. This spot reserved for additional changes.
Yes, it's become quite fun for the mommy around here. Joseph's sleeping now, so I actually have a chance to type this...two handed!
He was pretty upset this morning while I was weeding. He finally gave up trying to slide out of his stroller and started moaning/humming. I figured he was either composing a new blues song or a sad country song (something about his ma caring more for dirt than him).
But the weeding did need some action. We hadn't really spent much time out there the last couple of weeks because of swimming lessons and other appointments. So now the weeds are about as large as the vegetable plants. Luckily, they aren't choking out the plants because we have kept the weeds back from those pretty well.
I didn't ask the kids to help today. I thought I'd try to enjoy my morning. I wasn't surprised that eventually I had all the kids with me out there anyway. Nor was I surprised that I was the only one actually pulling weeds. I did get a little humor out of a comment Nathan made as he surveyed the size of the plants. "This garden is growing for good!" I knew he was referring to the corn plants that were nearly as tall as he is and the cantaloupe plant with huge "elephant" leaves (per Rebekah's observation) as well as the robust tomato plants quickly filling up with small, green tomatoes. But the sarcastic/negative/cynical monster in me couldn't help quietly matching his thought: "And for evil." Then I shoved a 9" tall weed into my 3rd full grocery bag.
I've been working on some scrapbook pages. Here they are.