Monday, February 05, 2007

At the Doctor's office...again.

I should ask if they have anything like a reward card or frequent visitor's pass at the clinic here. It seems it would pay off for our family. Of course, they'd probably come up with black out dates to go with it.

I was worried that Nathan had pink eye again (I was up to the third time in my counting). His eyes have been red and glassy. He seemed fine this morning but then I misplaced him around 9:30 and found him in bed with a fever. I didn't know 5-year-olds put themselves to bed. Come to think of it, my 6-year-old does it, too. I wish my 3-year-old would...she just follows us around and screams when she's not feeling 100%.

ANYWAY...I took Nathan in to the doctor. We waited an hour past our appointment time to be told the doctor was too bogged down to see us before a meeting he needed to be to. Did we want to see the PA? NO WAY. I don't have anything against Physician's Assistants in general, but this guy is not my favorite. He speaks monotone as if he's bored, moves at half speed, describes everything in "you-must-be-at-a-disadvantage-since-didn't-go-to-medical-school-so-I'll-explain-it-all-to-you-even-though-this-is-your-fourth-child" words and then hands you a prescription that he's already admitted he wouldn't give to his kids. After an hour of waiting, I most assuredly don't want to face him. So they got me into the other doctor and fast. (They probably felt bad that Nathan looked so miserable there.) A lot of people I've talked to don't like this other doctor, but aside from the B.O., he's not bad. He's very friendly and thorough. turns out that Nathan is suffering from a sinus infection. Poor kid. Why does he always have the fun stuff? We got home a little before 1 pm and he's been sleeping since then (now over 2 1/2 hours). He hasn't eaten since breakfast. It's not good to be skipping meals when you're 5 and don't even weigh 35 lbs. I need to wake him soon so he can sleep tonight.

The bright side? At least it's a sinus infection and not something ultra contagious like PINK EYE.

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