Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Are we almost there yet?

That's what Leah was asking me less than 30 miles into our drive yesterday. Not a bad question, unless you consider that the ride is more than 3 hours long! After much crying and hysterics (the kids weren't very well behaved either), the girls finally fell asleep around 60 miles and slept for 50. Nathan never complained. What a lovely boy! He took a nap when the girls did, so I had the ride all to myself for a bit.

We were glad to finally arrive and get out of our seats. The kids had fun playing until bedtime. Nathan almost got to sleep a room with his cousins until I found him on the floor between the beds and one of his cousins midair in a leap over his head. Considering they (cousins) had school in the morning, I thought it best to put Nathan into bed with Leah. He never even balked.

All cousins have been gone all day. We are dying. It's hard to find something to do in a strange house for very long. It's 2:40 and they should be home soon. Then the tutoring work begins and the house starts trembling with 6 kids shedding energy equal to at least 10!

We should try to go somewhere tomorrow.


  1. Arlyn,
    We were just catching up on some of your blogs. Leah's birthday pictures are sooooo cute! We think she is a beautiful little girl, I bet she and Jessica would love to play together. Adam said, "She's so cute. She looks just like Arlyn" I think he has the hots for you!! I wish we were closer. Hope all is well in Utah this week. We hope to be there briefly this summer, maybe June-ish/July-ish. Let me know when you guys are thinking of having another, we are thinking as well and need to plan with you since our kids are all about 4 months apart!!
    Take care

  2. And that is why I have my portable DVD play for all trips over an hour!! Keeps down on the "are we there yet?!?"

  3. Yeah...I have one of those, too. I'm too lazy to use it, particularly on drives my myself. I'm not coordinated enough to manage the road and the kids' movie requests!
