Thursday, January 11, 2007

Seeing lots of white!

For the past few days, I've been thinking of posting a blog to complain about the lack of snow and even ice here in a supposedly snowy part of Idaho. In fact, before we moved here, people would say, "You know it snows a lot there, right?" Yeah. We knew.
So it was kind of strange to visit Grandma in Salt Lake and see TONS more snow there than here. We even came back to brown grass with occasional slushy puddles in the streets. The ice fisherman that were out a couple of weeks ago were now out of business. It had been RAINING last week!
Well, all of that has changed. Here is what we see this morning. I estimate over 8 inches of snow on the picnic table. The high tomorrow is supposed to be in the single digits. We're back!
Chad is out of town today, so I'm glad I don't have any errands that would force me to take all 4 kids out in this stuff! I'm grateful for studded tires if something does come up.
Unfortunately, we don't get good snowman snow here. It blows and drifts a lot. Even with all this snowfall, many roofs are mostly bare. It's still good for making tracks though!
And the white stuff isn't only on the outside. Rebekah is doing a little decorating on the inside. Take a look at her trail of toilet paper. (She emptied it completely.) We must have bought the good stuff, because it didn't break until we started trying to get it back onto the roll. You know you'll be treated cushy on your tushy here!
In case you were wondering, that's Leah in the foreground...looks like she's using a blender, and Rebekah is way in the back there...trying to appear innocent! Jingle is there by the table. He's getting ready to shred as much TP as he can before we take it away.

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