Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Not an allergy

I think I'm relieved that I don't have to figure out what Daniel is allergic to anymore. Instead I'm trying not to feel too itchy. It turns out that we have a case of Fifth Disease. Apparently, we have nothing to worry about, unless any of us are pregnant. No one here is, and I hope no one we were around is. It shouldn't be more than 5-6 weeks of rashes. (Is that all?) Luckily, it's the type of thing that you usually only get once. Here is what Daniel looked like last week. Pretty, isn't it?


  1. William had that a couple of years ago. It really seemed quite harmless, yet made those around us nervous! I should have looked at him closer and recognized it. Sorry!


  2. Well, sheesh! I guess your skills do not lie in diagnosing a child who runs by you in a flash of color! Now you have a new goal to work on. :)
