This is a quilt I just finished last week. It was a late (maybe early?) Christmas present. I'm glad to finally finish it. And she really liked it which made all the work worth it. I'm ready to sew my 24 quilt blocks from last year into a quilt top and then get it on my gigantic quilting frame I got for Christmas. I just have to get the fabric for the sashing and backing. Another trip into Idaho Falls. ~great~
I've been exercising pretty regularly for the past month. It's finally paying off. The pounds are slowly decreasing. I've now got a new low since the time I was pregnant with Daniel. I am going to do this! It may kill me. I'll let you know when I finally weigh less than Chad. I don't know if I've EVER weighed less than him. (Well, maybe at birth because then he was almost 4 months old.) I'm looking forward to getting rid of clothes that don't fit because now they really don't fit!
We've been sick around here with one thing after another. I'm still trying to figure out why Leah and Nathan had fevers today. Nathan didn't seem bothered by it, but Leah used it to her full benefit. I'm relieved to report that she's back to her perky and cute self. I get to look forward to her usual screaming and crying throughout the night. She had me out of bed 4 times before 12:40 AM one night last week. Half of the time, she didn't even know what she wanted...just wanted to torture me and get in trouble, obviously.
Rebekah is still holding back on talking. She can say "more" (or close to it) and does regularly. She puts both hands on her chest when you ask, "Where's Rebekah?" I think I finally got her to know who to point to when I ask, "Where's Mommy?" Maybe I need to make a bigger impression on her! The funny thing is that when she hears you start asking something with "where's", she automatically puts both hands on her head because she thinks you're going to ask her where her hair is. Silly girl.
Daniel is doing well in school. I recently talked with his teacher and she said he's very conscientious about doing his work. REALLY? How do we get that kid to come home and clean his room? He still doesn't love to read his homework (neither do I, if it means anything). Do they make a chair that will tie down everything but a boy's eyes and mouth? He just can't sit still and I'm getting jostled around. It's been paying off though. He's becoming a good little reader. He has a regular chore at home now; he sweeps the floor after dinner. He gets paid for it, too, which we use to teach him about tithing, saving money and spending money.
Nathan turns FIVE this Friday. I admit that I'm worried about his future. I wish I could guarantee that he'll have a strong belief in himself and will be confident because he's going to be small and will likely be a target for a bunch of idiot bullies. He's a smart kid. You should see him put a puzzle together. Most people at church have never heard him talk. He is slow (even for a Collett) to warm up. He looked very uncomfortable in Primary on Sunday when he was up there (with 3 others) to have a b-day song sung to him. He can wear the same pair of socks for days. A funny thing is that if one does come off for some reason, he's fine to leave the other one on. A couple of weeks ago, he had one sock on and one sock off for a couple of days.
I've got a bunch of projects that I want to accomplish, including fumigating my house to get rid of the germs we're obviously breeding. But to be honest, I'd rather have someone come and chat for a while and just kill time. How's that for productivity?