Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Oh, Christmas Tree!

We drove into the forest to cut our Christmas tree again this year. We are helping with the thinning to prevent serious forest fires. It cost $5 for the permit and whatever gas we used as well as dinner at Pizza Hut when we were finished. Add to that, snow chains in case we got into some bad roads and some snacks to keep the kids from screaming us straight down the highway of insanity!

We didn't even get onto the highway until after 3:30, with an hour+ drive ahead of us. When we finally found a place to get out and pick our prize, it was the time of day that we should be leaving the mountain, not just starting out. We didn't take too long to make a choice. It was getting dark enough that we couldn't really see how good or bad the trees were. The toughest part of the adventure was the girls. I really think that there should be an age minimum for this tradition. Leah hasn't reached it yet.

So the kids had fun making snow angels as we packed up.

You can see Rebekah was having the time of her life. (She did smile after this picture.) You can also see how dark it was. Yes, we are idiots. Next year we need to leave by noon or reschedule. But we were blessed and had no problems past the screams from the back seat.

Here are the excited lumber jacks after a filling dinner of pizza and breadsticks. You can see that Nathan is very skilled at wearing his food on his face. (I'm embarrassed to admit that you could probably find food on his face almost any day.)

And tonight we put the tree up. Chad had to go shovel the church walks and then a meeting before an hour of scouts. That translates to = me vs. the kids to decorate the tree. It only took an hour to get the lights on (and off and on again, then off again and on for the thousandth time). I wanted to give up, but then Daniel admitted that he'd prayed I could get the lights working, so I perservered. Amidst a flood of phone calls, Rebekah rolling down the entire flight of stairs and the Young Women knocking on the door to perform service for their scavenger hunt, we finally got the tree decorated, teeth brushed and kids in bed. WHEW!

Unfortunately, the cat thinks it's a catnip tree rather than a pine tree. It's going to be a fun month!

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