Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Rebekah's Personality

Don't you wish you could take pictures in your mind and then download them onto your computer? Sometimes, that's the only camera I have on me when cute things happen. (Sometimes I don't even have that!)

Rebekah (nearly 15 months old already!) has started to show some of her personality. She likes to engage us in a game of Peek-A-Boo by smashing both hands flat against her nose and eyes and then quickly removing them. It's very cute, especially the look of anticipation on her face. She likes to climb up on the coffee table and then lunge at you from the edge while laughing hysterically. She perfected it tonight while my visiting teachers were here. She LOVES to carry hers and Leah's shoes all over the house and also finds great joy in pulling clothes from Leah's drawers to leave here and there. She expects to be able to brush her teeth when the other kids are and even makes a brushing motion. She doesn't like to be told no and cries loudly when offended. Her mouth opens crooked and her bottom lip slides far to the right bottom corner. It's actually fun to watch her pout and cry!

This Sunday Rebekah asserted her grown-up self and insisted on sitting on the steps leading to the stand in the chapel. It was a little before church started, so I let her sit a bit. But even when I brought her back to our seat, she quickly headed back to her step. She was very cute.

And now to the real reason I want to have a camera handy. Rebekah is really getting into her meals. We had pancakes Sunday night and by the time it was over, Rebekah had found out that her empty plate would actually stick to her head! She would put it up there and it looked just like a big beret. Even when she tipped her head down to study something else on her tray, the plate remained. She would peel it off and reposition it on occasion. Tonight it was pasta. The spaghetti sauce was all over her head and face. She loved to put her little bowl up on top of her head. Her expression was one of pure joy.

So although she hasn't actually spoken her first word (unless you want to count "bup" - her all-purpose response), she has become quite expressive and has told us much! Here's hoping that she doesn't wait as long as Nathan to start talking!

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